Saturday, February 23, 2008

Steve Rude: Artist in Motion

Two weeks ago, I got a treasure trove of art books in my DCBS order—among them, last week's review, Modern Masters Volume 15: Mark Schultz, and today's book, Steve Rude: Artist in Motion.

Usually, when I receive art books, I look at the pictures and read passages that interest me, eventually working my way through the whole book. With the Schultz book, I read it start to finish and devoured every image in the sequence of the book. It was such an enjoyable process that I decided to do the same with the Rude book.

Wow. This book is an artistic journey. Rude has long been one of my top 5 guys, but this book only increases my appreciation of the man and his work.

And it makes me want to draw. A lot.

I can't recommend this book highly enough—whether you're into comic art, illustration or the artistic process, you need to own this wonderful volume.

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